November 30th, 2007 by Chad
With a new marriage, twin baby boys, and a precocious five-year-old, you’re definitely kept busy.

It is very evident, though, that both of you share equally in the work.

And if there is anything you ever need to know, just ask your daughter. I think she knows just about everything.

It was a blessing for us to get to know you better and witness the love you have for each other and your children. You are inspiring.
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Article tags: cory, family, jana, trees, twins
November 29th, 2007 by Chad
Your family doesn’t need any lessons in having fun.

And with more Megans than we could shake a stick at, it would have been easy for us to keep everyone’s names straight.

If it weren’t for the triplets, that is.

It was a bit cold, but you’re going to love your pictures.
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Article tags: brenda, david, family, hay, trees
November 24th, 2007 by Chad
Your bubbling personality was contagious.

You were confident and sure of yourself, even with all of our crazy ideas.

Your outfits and accessories were impeccable.
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Article tags: college of idaho, field, megan, senior
November 22nd, 2007 by Chad
If you are planning to order any prints for Christmas gifts, the order cutoff date is Friday December 7 to have a guaranteed delivery before Christmas.
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Article tags: Christmas, order
November 22nd, 2007 by Chad
You endured cold and winds and rain and even hail.

Yet all that time I never heard a single complaint from either of you.
And man, oh man, was it ever worth it!

Thank you for allowing us to share in your most special of days.
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Article tags: bride, flash, groom, hail, hailey, kiss, mark, rain, sunset, temple, wedding
November 16th, 2007 by Chad
Shortly after we finished with Shanaka we were back at the college with another senior. This time we met up with Marcus.

He was a lot of fun to work with. He wasn’t sure he really wanted any senior pictures taken at all, and when Jill found out, she was really excited. She’d say, “That’s perfect. Show us some attitude!”

I’m not sure whether that encouraged him or not, but he gave us some great expressions for his pictures, and he seemed to be enjoying himself as we progressed through the session.
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Article tags: college of idaho, marcus, senior
November 15th, 2007 by Chad
We went out with Shanaka around the college and downtown Caldwell and took some senior pictures. We were really impressed with him.

Not only is he very handsome, but he’s got a brilliant mind that you can see shining in those eyes.

We had a lot of fun working with him and getting to know him just a bit better.

We had taken Shanaka’s family pictures last year. It’s always nice to have repeat customers.
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Article tags: college of idaho, downtown, senior, shanaka
November 13th, 2007 by Chad
The prediction was for a 30% chance of rain. The sky was overcast, but it didn’t really look all that threatening. So we decided it would be fun to throw our love seat in the back of the truck and head out for some family pictures with Jayson and Megan and their children. We first stopped at the college and borrowed the grand piano to take some pictures of the children playing the piano and their violins. This was my favorite shot of that series.

When we left, we realized that the couch, sitting in the back of the pickup, had been drenched by the rain. It was still coming down, but fairly lightly, so we decided to set out for more pictures. We stopped at a field that we had found a few days before and asked permission to use. Everything was a bit wet and soggy, but they were all great sports.

You can’t really tell from the pictures, but everyone was slowly getting soaked. We decided it was now or never, so we pulled out the couch, wiped it down as well as we could, and grabbed a few more shots before calling it a day.

By this time the rain was starting to show on their clothes and hair, and everyone was starting to get a bit chilly, so we decided to head for home. Unfortunately, the car battery had died in all the fun, and we had to find someone nice enough to give us a jump start.
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Article tags: college of idaho, couch, family, field, jayson, megan, rain
November 12th, 2007 by Chad

If I had to pick one word to describe you, that would be it.

Of course, a single word would never suffice. Beautiful and poised come to mind as well.

But you have an inner strength, a spunkiness, that shows through in your personality. Treasure that strength.
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Article tags: college of idaho, field, micaela, senior, train tracks
November 11th, 2007 by Chad
There’s nothing quite like taking pictures of beautiful people. It doesn’t take any skill at all to get a great looking shot. Here are some previews of our most recent wedding. In this first shot, Chase was in the shade while Breana stood with the sun at her back.

In this second photo, we had some beautiful evening sun coming in to give the flowers and trees a little added sparkle.

And we got this last shot just a few minutes before sunset. A beautiful white horse was curious what we were doing, and I asked Chase to help lure it over with the help of a few unripened apples.

I appreciate the patience that Bre and Chase and their families have shown us. With our son in the hospital, we’ve gotten quite a bit behind our normal schedule.
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